4th International Conference on
Advanced Network Technologies
Intelligent Computing

19 - 21 DECEMBER, 2024





Department of Computer Science, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India is organizing 4th International Conference on Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing (ANTIC-2024) in hybrid mode (online as well as on-site) from 19th to 21st December 2024. The ANTIC-2024 aims to bring together leading academicians, scientists, researcher scholars, and UG/PG graduates across the globe to exchange and share their research outcomes. It targets to provide a state-of-the-art platform to discuss all aspects (current and future) of Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing. This will enable the participating researchers to exchange their ideas about applying existing methods in these areas to solve real-world problems. The proceedings of conference will be submitted for publication in Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series of Springer [SCOPUS Indexed].


The Conference will be hosted in Hybrid Mode
(Online as well as On-Site).
Department of Computer Science, Banaras Hindu University, India


19 - 21 December, 2024


Prof. Dipankar Dasgupta

Dr. Varun Ojha


Dr. Devki Nandan Jha

About the University

Banaras Hindu University is an internationally reputed temple of learning, situated in the holy city of Varanasi. This Creative and innovative university was founded by the great nationalist leader, Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya, in 1916 with cooperation of great personalities like Dr. Annie Besant, who viewed it as the University of India. Banaras Hindu University was created under the Parliamentary legislation - B.H.U. Act 1915. The area of the main campus of this premiere Central University is 1300 acres, having well maintained roads, extensive greenery, a temple, an air strip and buildings which are an architectural delight. Another campus of the university at Barkachha, in Mirzapur district, covering an area of 2700 acres is coming up. The university comprises 3 Institutes, 14 Faculties, 140 Departments, 4 Inter disciplinary Centers a constituent college for women's and 3 Constituents Schools, spanning a vast range of subjects pertaining to all branches of humanities, social science, technology, medicine, science, fine arts and performing arts. It has 6 centres of Advanced Studies, 10 Departments under Special Assistance Programme and a large number of specialized Research Centers. Four Degree Colleges of the city are affiliated to the University. Bharat Kala Bhavan, the reputed museum of the university, is a treasure trove of rare collections. The 927 beds hospital of the University is equipped with all the modern amenities. The university provides a wide range of facilities for sport and hobbies, has large playgrounds, a big auditorium, a flying club and many auxiliary services and units like Printing Press, Publication Cell, Fruit Preservation Center, Subsidized Canteens, Employment and Information Bureau, Security etc. The University family consists of about 15000 students belonging to all streams of life, castes and religions and races, about 1700 teachers, and nearly 8000 non-teaching staff A large number of students from foreign countries like the U.S.A, the countries of Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa etc., come to study here. The university has taken a leadership role in promoting new ideas, the spirit of integration of the world, and cultivation of intellect and culture. Banaras Hindu University is small virtually the universe in microcosm.


The Department of Computer Science was established in the year 1987 with the main objective of providing trained manpower in the area of Computer and Systems Sciences and to promote state of the art research in Computer Sciences, Applications and related areas. In the beginning the department offered an undergraduate course B.Sc. (Hons.) in Computer Science. Teaching at postgraduate level was started with M. Sc. (Computer Science) program in the year 1990. The MCA program started in 1994. In addition to teaching programs, the department also offers research program leading to Ph.D. degree in Computer Science. The department has a relaxed and informal atmosphere - which we cherish. The faculty is enthusiastic and easily approachable. Learning is not confined to classrooms.

Call for Papers

Prospective authors are kindly encouraged to contribute high quality research papers describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work in all areas of Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing. The topics covered (but are not limited to) in the conference are enlisted below.


Ethical Responsibilities

All authors must comply with Springer ethical standards, as detailed in Springer Code of Conduct. Please read all of the sections of this Code carefully and make sure that your paper complies with them. In addition, authors are instructed to read the following documents for complete authors guidelines.
Instructions for Proceedings Authors

Preparation of Your Paper

Your contribution may be prepared in LaTeX or Microsoft Word. Please use the following templates provided on the authors’ page.
LaTeX2e Proceedings Templates
Microsoft Word Proceedings Templates
Microsoft Word 2003 Proceedings Templates
Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers. Another feature Springer now offer is the inclusion of embedded videos in proceedings papers. Springer’s proceedings LaTeX templates are available in Overleaf. Overleaf is an open-source online real-time collaborative LaTeX editor used for writing, editing and publishing scientific documents.

Length of Papers

The most common types of papers accepted for publication are full papers (12–15+ pages) and short papers (<12 pages), formatted in Springer Template, where a page constitutes 300-400 words. We only wish to publish papers of significant scientific content. Very short papers (<6 pages) are not allowed.

License-to-Publish Form

You will have to send us the signed copy of License-to-Publish form as a scanned PDF, after the acceptance of your manuscript. The corresponding author (one per paper), who must match the corresponding author marked in the header of the paper, must have the full right, power, and authority to sign the agreement on behalf of all of the authors of a particular paper, and accepts responsibility for releasing this material on their behalf. Digital signatures are not acceptable. The corresponding author should be available to check the paper before it is published. Please note that once a paper has been delivered to Springer, changes relating to the authorship of the paper cannot be made. Authors’ names cannot be added or deleted, their order cannot be changed, and the corresponding author cannot be altered. The corresponding author signing the copyright form should match the corresponding author marked on the paper.
CCIS License to Publish form

Open Access or Open Choice Option

If any of the authors contributing to ANTIC-2024 are interested in Open Access or Open Choice, please refer to Springer webpage for prices and additional information.

Manuscript Submission & Publication


Please submit your manuscript through the following link of EquinOCS system. Offline submission via e-mails will not be entertained.

To know how to submit a paper on EquinOCS system, please Click Here

Abstracting/Indexing of CCIS Springer

CCIS is abstracted/indexed in DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, Mathematical Reviews, SCImago, Scopus. CCIS volumes are also submitted for the inclusion in ISI Proceedings.


Proposal to publish conference proceedings of ANTIC-2024 has been already accepted by the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series of Springer publisher.
All accepted and registered papers of ANTIC-2024 will be submitted for publication in CCIS series of Springer.
Springer CCIS

Before Publication

All accepted, registered, and presented papers will be submitted to the publisher for publication. Thereafter, the publisher's quality assurance team will assess the quality of the papers before publication. If any paper does not qualify the quality assessment round, the paper will be withdrawn from the conference and registration fee will be refunded to the author.

After Publication

Roughly one month after publication, all authors who have included their email addresses in the headers of their papers will receive an email containing a coded personal access link, which will enable them to download the PDF of their paper directly from SpringerLink.

Publication Partner


Last Date of Manuscript Submission

September 20, 2024 September 30, 2024

Last Date of Final Manuscript Submission

November 10, 2024

Last Date of Acceptance Notification

October 31, 2024

Last Date of Registration Fee Payment

November 15, 2024

Conference Dates

December 19-21, 2024


Foreign Author

150 USD

Indian Author

6000 INR


Authors of the finally accepted papers are requested to pay registration fee in the following bank account/UPI/QR Code.

Account Name


Account No.


Bank Name

State Bank of India



Branch Name

BHU Varanasi

Branch Code




Swift Code


Bank Address

State Bank of India
BHU Varanasi Branch
Varanasi - 221005, Uttar Pradesh, India

QR Code
  • Bank transaction charges will be applicable to the authors in addition to the registration fee.
  • Please mention your Paper ID in the purpose or remark field while doing payment.


  • It is mandatory that one author of an accepted paper has to register in order to appear the paper in Technical Program and to be included in the Conference Proceedings.
  • Registration fee of a paper will be decided on the basis of the country of the first author’s affiliation. If the first author’s affiliation is an Indian organization or institute, the registration fee of the paper will be 6000 INR, otherwise 150 USD.
  • There are no other charges from our side. Bank transaction charges will be applicable to the authors in addition to the registration fee.
  • To avoid wastage of time only one author will be allowed to present the paper and presenter will be entitled to receive certificate of presentation. All other authors of the paper may attend the online presentation session without any extra charges, however, will not be provided any certificate.
  • Please check your credentials before paying the registration fee and save the bank payment receipt.
  • After paying registration fee, please submit the bank payment receipt through Google Form within two days. We will provide Google Form link through EquinOCS/Email to submit the bank payment receipt.
  • Registration fee must be paid by wire transfer/online mode. Cash/demand draft/cheque will not be accepted.
  • Please mention your Paper ID in the purpose or remark field while doing payment.
  • The request of refunding the registration fee will not be considered in any case.
  • The authors who are willing to present papers in physical/in-person mode, will have to pay accommodation and food charges in addition to the registration fee, if provided by us (subject to availability of accommodation). We will inform about the accommodation charges and process after registration of the paper.


Interested faculty members/researchers/industry practitioners may join us as Reviewer by filling the following Google Form. The eligibility criteria for the reviewer is Ph.D. awarded or pursuing. Each reviewer will receive a Certificate of Reviewer.

How to reach @BHU, Varanasi

  1. BY AIR: The approachable airport to the city is Babatpur which is approximately 35 km away from BHU. One can easily get a direct flight to Varanasi from cities like Delhi, Agra, Khajurao, Kolkata, Mumbai, Lucknow and Bhubaneshwar airport. The taxi charges from Airport to BHU Campus are about INR 1000/-.
  2. BY RAIL: Since Varanasi lies in the heartland of the North Indian plains, it is connected to major cities of India via rail. There are three railway stations in Varanasi, Varanasi Cantt. Rly. Station (Junction) and Banaras Railway Station (Old name: Manduadih Railway Station), and Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay Junction (Old name: Mughalsarai Rly. Station).

From Varanasi Cantt. Railway Station to BHU, (Lanka Gate):

BHU Campus is about 10 km. from Varanasi Cantt. Railway Station. Round the clock Auto/Taxi services are available from Varanasi Cantt. Station to BHU (Lanka). The tentative charges are for reserve auto, Rs.200-250/-, shared auto Rs. 35/- and for taxi, Rs. 350/- to 450/-.

From Banaras Railway Station to BHU, (Lanka Gate):

BHU Campus is about 5.5 km. from Banaras Railway Station. Round the clock Auto/Taxi services are available from the Banaras Railway Station to BHU (Lanka Gate). The tentative charges are for reserve auto, Rs.200-250/-, shared auto Rs. 30/- and for taxi, Rs. 300/- to 350/-.

From Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay Junction to BHU, (Lanka Gate):

BHU campus is about 20 km. from Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay Junction. Round the clock Auto/Taxi services are available from the railway station to BHU (Lanka). The tentative charges are for reserve auto Rs. 250/-, shared auto Rs. 50/- and for taxi, Rs. 350/- to 450/-.

Inside the BHU Campus From BHU, Lanka Gate

  • From BHU, Lanka Gate to Department of Computer Science:

Round the clock Auto services are available from the Lanka Gate. The tentative charges are for shared auto Rs. 15/- and for Reserve auto, Rs. 50-100/-. Department of Computer Science is near the Swatantrata Bhawan, BHU and behind the IIT BHU, Computer Science Department.

  • From BHU, Lanka Gate to Shri Vishwanath Temple:

Round the clock Auto services are available from the Lanka Gate. The tentative charges are for shared auto Rs. 10/- and for Reserve auto, Rs. 50-100/-.

  • From BHU, Lanka Gate to Seminar Complex:

Round the clock Auto services are available from the Lanka Gate. The tentative charges are for shared auto Rs. 10/- and for Reserve auto, Rs. 50-100/-.

  • From BHU, Lanka Gate to LD Guest House:

Round the clock Auto services are available from the Lanka Gate. The tentative charges are for shared auto Rs. 10/- and for Reserve auto, Rs. 50-100/-.


Inaugural Ceremony

Venue: 2. Seminar Complex, BHU, Varanasi Pin point location
Joining Link: https://shorturl.at/bkX6F

Offline Presentation

Venue: 1. Department of Computer (Annexure Building), BHU, Varanasi Pin point location

Valedictory Ceremony

Venue: 1. Department of Computer (Annexure Building), BHU, Varanasi Pin point location

Past ANTIC Conferences


Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) Volume 1534
Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing

First International Conference, ANTIC 2021, Varanasi, India, December 17–18, 2021
Proceedings Editors
Isaac Woungang, Sanjay Kumar Dhurandher, Kiran Kumar Pattanaik, Anshul Verma, Pradeepika Verma


Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) Volume 1797 & 1798
Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing

Second International Conference, ANTIC 2022, Varanasi, India, December 22–24, 2022
Proceedings Editors
Isaac Woungang, Sanjay Kumar Dhurandher, Kiran Kumar Pattanaik, Anshul Verma, Pradeepika Verma
Part I :https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-28180-8
Part II :https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-28183-9


Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) Volume 2090, 2091, 2092 and 2093
Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing

Second International Conference, ANTIC 2023, Varanasi, India, December 20–22, 2023
Proceedings Editors
Anshul Verma, Pradeepika Verma, Kiran Kumar Pattanaik, Sanjay Kumar Dhurandher, Isaac Woungang
Part I : https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-64076-6
Part II : https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-64064-3
Part III : https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-64070-4
Part IV : https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-64067-4


Department of Computer Science, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India is organizing 4th International Conference on Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing (ANTIC-2024) in hybrid mode (online as well as on-site) from 19th to 21st December 2024. The ANTIC-2024 aims to bring together leading academicians, scientists, researcher scholars, and UG/PG graduates across the globe to exchange and share their research outcomes. It targets to provide a state-of-the-art platform to discuss all aspects (current and future) of Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing. This will enable the participating researchers to exchange their ideas about applying existing methods in these areas to solve real-world problems. The proceedings of conference will be submitted for publication in Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series of Springer [SCOPUS Indexed].


The Conference will be hosted in Hybrid Mode.
(Online as well as On-Site)
Department of Computer Science
Banaras Hindu University


19 - 21 December, 2024


Prof. Dipankar Dasgupta

Dr. Varun Ojha


Dr. Devki Nandan Jha

About the University

Banaras Hindu University is an internationally reputed temple of learning, situated in the holy city of Varanasi. This Creative and innovative university was founded by the great nationalist leader, Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya, in 1916 with cooperation of great personalities like Dr. Annie Besant, who viewed it as the University of India. Banaras Hindu University was created under the Parliamentary legislation - B.H.U. Act 1915. The area of the main campus of this premiere Central University is 1300 acres, having well maintained roads, extensive greenery, a temple, an air strip and buildings which are an architectural delight. Another campus of the university at Barkachha, in Mirzapur district, covering an area of 2700 acres is coming up. The university comprises 3 Institutes, 14 Faculties, 140 Departments, 4 Inter disciplinary Centers a constituent college for women's and 3 Constituents Schools, spanning a vast range of subjects pertaining to all branches of humanities, social science, technology, medicine, science, fine arts and performing arts. It has 6 centres of Advanced Studies, 10 Departments under Special Assistance Programme and a large number of specialized Research Centers. Four Degree Colleges of the city are affiliated to the University. Bharat Kala Bhavan, the reputed museum of the university, is a treasure trove of rare collections. The 927 beds hospital of the University is equipped with all the modern amenities. The university provides a wide range of facilities for sport and hobbies, has large playgrounds, a big auditorium, a flying club and many auxiliary services and units like Printing Press, Publication Cell, Fruit Preservation Center, Subsidized Canteens, Employment and Information Bureau, Security etc. The University family consists of about 15000 students belonging to all streams of life, castes and religions and races, about 1700 teachers, and nearly 8000 non-teaching staff A large number of students from foreign countries like the U.S.A, the countries of Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa etc., come to study here. The university has taken a leadership role in promoting new ideas, the spirit of integration of the world, and cultivation of intellect and culture. Banaras Hindu University is small virtually the universe in microcosm.


The Department of Computer Science was established in the year 1987 with the main objective of providing trained manpower in the area of Computer and Systems Sciences and to promote state of the art research in Computer Sciences, Applications and related areas. In the beginning the department offered an undergraduate course B.Sc. (Hons.) in Computer Science. Teaching at postgraduate level was started with M. Sc. (Computer Science) program in the year 1990. The MCA program started in 1994. In addition to teaching programs, the department also offers research program leading to Ph.D. degree in Computer Science. The department has a relaxed and informal atmosphere - which we cherish. The faculty is enthusiastic and easily approachable. Learning is not confined to classrooms.

Call for Papers

Prospective authors are kindly encouraged to contribute high quality research papers describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work in all areas of Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing. The topics covered (but are not limited to) in the conference are enlisted below.

Blockchain Technology
Cloud, Edge & Fog Computing
Distributed Computing
High Performance Computing
Internet of Things
Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
Networks Security
Social Networking
Software Defined Networks
Wireless Sensor Networks

Artificial Intelligence
Deep Learning
Evolutionary Algorithms
Fuzzy Systems
Genetic Algorithms
Machine Learning
Video, Speech & Text Processing using AI
Neural Networks
Recommendation System
Soft Computing


Ethical Responsibilities

All authors must comply with Springer ethical standards, as detailed in Springer Code of Conduct. Please read all of the sections of this Code carefully and make sure that your paper complies with them. In addition, authors are instructed to read the following documents for complete authors guidelines.
Instructions for Proceedings Authors

Preparation of Your Paper

Your contribution may be prepared in LaTeX or Microsoft Word. Please use the following templates provided on the authors’ page.
LaTeX2e Proceedings Templates
Microsoft Word Proceedings Templates
Microsoft Word 2003 Proceedings Templates
Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers. Another feature Springer now offer is the inclusion of embedded videos in proceedings papers. Springer’s proceedings LaTeX templates are available in Overleaf. Overleaf is an open-source online real-time collaborative LaTeX editor used for writing, editing and publishing scientific documents.

Length of Papers

The most common types of papers accepted for publication are full papers (12–15+ pages) and short papers (<12 pages), formatted in Springer Template, where a page constitutes 300-400 words. We only wish to publish papers of significant scientific content. Very short papers (<6 pages) are not allowed.

License-to-Publish Form

You will have to send us the signed copy of License-to-Publish form as a scanned PDF, after the acceptance of your manuscript. The corresponding author (one per paper), who must match the corresponding author marked in the header of the paper, must have the full right, power, and authority to sign the agreement on behalf of all of the authors of a particular paper, and accepts responsibility for releasing this material on their behalf. Digital signatures are not acceptable. The corresponding author should be available to check the paper before it is published. Please note that once a paper has been delivered to Springer, changes relating to the authorship of the paper cannot be made. Authors’ names cannot be added or deleted, their order cannot be changed, and the corresponding author cannot be altered. The corresponding author signing the copyright form should match the corresponding author marked on the paper.
CCIS License to Publish form

Open Access or Open Choice Option

If any of the authors contributing to ANTIC-2024 are interested in Open Access or Open Choice, please refer to Springer webpage for prices and additional information.

Manuscript Submission & Publication


Please submit your manuscript through the following link of EquinOCS system. Offline submission via e-mails will not be entertained.

To know how to submit a paper on EquinOCS system, please Click Here


Proposal to publish conference proceedings of ANTIC-2024 has been already accepted by the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series of Springer publisher. All accepted and registered papers of ANTIC-2024 will be submitted for publication in CCIS series of Springer.
Springer CCIS

Abstracting/Indexing of CCIS Springer

CCIS is abstracted/indexed in DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, Mathematical Reviews, SCImago, Scopus. CCIS volumes are also submitted for the inclusion in ISI Proceedings.

Before Publication

All accepted, registered, and presented papers will be submitted to the publisher for publication. Thereafter, the publisher's quality assurance team will assess the quality of the papers before publication. If any paper does not qualify the quality assessment round, the paper will be withdrawn from the conference and registration fee will be refunded to the author.

After Publication

Roughly one month after publication, all authors who have included their email addresses in the headers of their papers will receive an email containing a coded personal access link, which will enable them to download the PDF of their paper directly from SpringerLink.

Publication Partner


Last Date of Manuscript Submission

September 20, 2024 September 30, 2024

Last Date of Acceptance Notification

October 31, 2024

Last Date of Final Manuscript Submission

November 10, 2024

Last Date of Registration Fee Payment

November 15, 2024

Conference Dates

December 19-21, 2024


Foreign Author

150 USD


6000 INR

Authors of the finally accepted papers may pay registration fee in the following bank account/UPI/QR Code.

Account Name:

Account No.:

Bank Name:

IFSC Code:

Branch Name:

Branch Code:

MICR Code:

Swift Code:



State Bank of India


BHU Varanasi




Bank Address

State Bank of India
BHU Varanasi Branch
Varanasi - 221005, Uttar Pradesh, India

QR Code

Bank transaction charges will be applicable to the authors in addition to the registration fee.

Please mention your Paper ID in the purpose or remark field while doing payment.


  • It is mandatory that one author of an accepted paper has to register in order to appear the paper in Technical Program and to be included in the Conference Proceedings.
  • Registration fee of a paper will be decided on the basis of the country of the first author’s affiliation. If the first author’s affiliation is an Indian organization or institute, the registration fee of the paper will be 6000 INR, otherwise 150 USD.
  • There are no other charges from our side. Bank transaction charges will be applicable to the authors in addition to the registration fee.
  • To avoid wastage of time only one author will be allowed to present the paper and presenter will be entitled to receive certificate of presentation. All other authors of the paper may attend the online presentation session without any extra charges, however, will not be provided any certificate.
  • Please check your credentials before paying the registration fee and save the bank payment receipt.
  • After paying registration fee, please submit the bank payment receipt through Google Form within two days. We will provide Google Form link through EquinOCS/Email to submit the bank payment receipt.
  • Registration fee must be paid by wire transfer/online mode. Cash/demand draft/cheque will not be accepted.
  • Please mention your Paper ID in the purpose or remark field while doing payment.
  • The request of refunding the registration fee will not be considered in any case.
  • The authors who are willing to present papers in physical/in-person mode, will have to pay accommodation and food charges in addition to the registration fee, if provided by us (subject to availability of accommodation). We will inform about the accommodation charges and process after registration of the paper.


Interested faculty members / researchers / industry practitioners may join us as Reviewer by filling the following Google Form. The eligibility criteria for the reviewer is Ph.D. awarded or pursuing. Each reviewer will receive a Certificate of Reviewer.

How to reach @BHU, Varanasi

  1. BY AIR: The approachable airport to the city is Babatpur which is approximately 35 km away from BHU. One can easily get a direct flight to Varanasi from cities like Delhi, Agra, Khajurao, Kolkata, Mumbai, Lucknow and Bhubaneshwar airport. The taxi charges from Airport to BHU Campus are about INR 1000/-.
  2. BY RAIL: Since Varanasi lies in the heartland of the North Indian plains, it is connected to major cities of India via rail. There are three railway stations in Varanasi, Varanasi Cantt. Rly. Station (Junction) and Banaras Railway Station (Old name: Manduadih Railway Station), and Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay Junction (Old name: Mughalsarai Rly. Station).

From Varanasi Cantt. Railway Station to BHU, (Lanka Gate):

BHU Campus is about 10 km. from Varanasi Cantt. Railway Station. Round the clock Auto/Taxi services are available from Varanasi Cantt. Station to BHU (Lanka). The tentative charges are for reserve auto, Rs.200-250/-, shared auto Rs. 35/- and for taxi, Rs. 350/- to 450/-.

From Banaras Railway Station to BHU, (Lanka Gate):

BHU Campus is about 5.5 km. from Banaras Railway Station. Round the clock Auto/Taxi services are available from the Banaras Railway Station to BHU (Lanka Gate). The tentative charges are for reserve auto, Rs.200-250/-, shared auto Rs. 30/- and for taxi, Rs. 300/- to 350/-.

From Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay Junction to BHU, (Lanka Gate):

BHU campus is about 20 km. from Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay Junction. Round the clock Auto/Taxi services are available from the railway station to BHU (Lanka). The tentative charges are for reserve auto Rs. 250/-, shared auto Rs. 50/- and for taxi, Rs. 350/- to 450/-.

Inside the BHU Campus From BHU, Lanka Gate

  • From BHU, Lanka Gate to Department of Computer Science:

Round the clock Auto services are available from the Lanka Gate. The tentative charges are for shared auto Rs. 15/- and for Reserve auto, Rs. 50-100/-. Department of Computer Science is near the Swatantrata Bhawan, BHU and behind the IIT BHU, Computer Science Department.

  • From BHU, Lanka Gate to Shri Vishwanath Temple:

Round the clock Auto services are available from the Lanka Gate. The tentative charges are for shared auto Rs. 10/- and for Reserve auto, Rs. 50-100/-.

  • From BHU, Lanka Gate to Seminar Complex:

Round the clock Auto services are available from the Lanka Gate. The tentative charges are for shared auto Rs. 10/- and for Reserve auto, Rs. 50-100/-.

  • From BHU, Lanka Gate to LD Guest House:

Round the clock Auto services are available from the Lanka Gate. The tentative charges are for shared auto Rs. 10/- and for Reserve auto, Rs. 50-100/-.


Inaugural Ceremony

Venue: 2. Seminar Complex, BHU, Varanasi Pin point location
Joining Link: https://shorturl.at/bkX6F

Offline Presentation

Venue: 1. Department of Computer (Annexure Building), BHU, Varanasi Pin point location

Valedictory Ceremony

Venue: 1. Department of Computer (Annexure Building), BHU, Varanasi Pin point location

Past ANTIC Conferences



Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
Volume 1534
Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing

First International Conference, ANTIC 2021, Varanasi, India, December 17–18, 2021
Proceedings Editors
Isaac Woungang, Sanjay Kumar Dhurandher, Kiran Kumar Pattanaik, Anshul Verma, Pradeepika Verma


Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS)
Volume 1797 & 1798
Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing

Second International Conference, ANTIC 2022, Varanasi, India, December 22–24, 2022
Proceedings Editors
Isaac Woungang, Sanjay Kumar Dhurandher, Kiran Kumar Pattanaik, Anshul Verma, Pradeepika Verma
Part I :
Part II :


Communications in Computer and Information Science
Volume 2090, 2091, 2092 and 2093
Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing

Second International Conference, ANTIC 2023, Varanasi, India, December 20–22, 2023
Proceedings Editors
Anshul Verma, Pradeepika Verma, Kiran Kumar Pattanaik, Sanjay Kumar Dhurandher, Isaac Woungang Verma
Part I :
Part II :
Part III :
Part IV :